Tuesday, July 30, 2013

...And on to the next...

A little something we received last night:

"Jason and Jennifer,
I have received and reviewed your application and we would be honored to partner with you, as you experience God's miracles and provisions of adoption." - God's Children Adoption Agency

Happy dancing with jazz hands, spins and kisses. 

Our next step is to begin the home study process. And as this is moving forward rather quickly, we are still looking for garage sale donations, and an official location. Send me a message on facebook or comment below if you are interested. Also we are hoping to set up a paypal button located somewhere over there --> for those of you who would like to donate but live far away. Know we truly appreciate any and all donations, no matter the size, and all prayers. 

There are still a few details to be ironed out before we do begin the home study. Our placement address is a big one. We are most likely moving but, as every aspect of our lives goes, the details are up in the air for the moment. We also have some classes to attend but we are hoping that our foster care classes might count for some of those. *hoping and praying*

And even in the midst of so much unknown and uncertainty we are constantly reminded of the Lord's faithfulness and love. Every detail is coming together exactly as it should, even if we expected it to look slightly different. We know He is faithful, able, and in control of it all. 

Just recently we received a huge answer to prayer. We had been planning to purchase the good man's grandmother's home, many of you are aware of this, but had been told that it might take longer than expected -- six to twelve months longer. So we were freaking out a little bit. Not just because we were unsure of where we might be living come winter, but because this effects the home study process, which effects our journey to adoption! After we regrouped and gave each other pep talks, we decided to move forward despite the uncertainty. A leap of faith and shaking in our boots/flip-flops. Two days after the application was mailed grandma got a call about an available apartment! And even though we envisioned the next step, the home study, to take place in our apartment, it is looking like it will probably take place in our new home! God is good and ever faithful. He is able. Never failing. 

We can never know what the future brings, but our Father holds the future and we know He works all things out for the good of those who love Him. 

Here we go again, walking together down this road...

Join us. Walk along as we uncover joy and count all as grace and gift in this unexpected life. And see how the Father takes care and goes before.

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. We are grateful for each one of you, even those simply reading, as you are walking with us in our journey and sharing our heart for orphans and adoption.

.     .     .     .     .

Application completed and mailed: CHECK!
Application accepted: CHECK!

1 comment:

  1. They that wait upon the Lord...You both show us
    what it means to be patient and trust in the Lord.
    May the Lord continue to bless you every step of the way!
    Love and prayers,
    Donna H


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