And that was the plan. We were hoping to work towards adoption through the foster care system in our county but as time continued to move without a single placement, with a lot of thought and a lot of prayer we decided to move forward on our own.
We've been busy! We've been researching and praying and learning and trying to fill out MORE paper work. And we finally feel ready to announce this NEW development to you all. We are beyond excited and so grateful for everything God has been doing these past six months. Even in the crazy and weary and faint, God is good.
Here's a summary of the journey so far:
In March we started meeting with an adoption group through our church, Eagle Brook Church. We met some wonderful people and learned about more possible agencies. It was so amazing to connect with other couples who are in the EXACT same place as us in the process as well as those who have gone before us -- to share doubts, concerns, questions, excitement and hear amazing stories of families brought together at last!
In April we had it narrowed down to two different Christian Adoption Agencies in our area!
Last month we attended an information meeting given by God's Children Adoption Agency at a local church and instantly we felt called to work with them. (I'll tell you all about that later, because that is a story in itself,)
Last month we also decided to open our parameters to waiting children. Initially, when we walked into the meeting with the agency we were settled on private infant adoption, but were soon feeling God nudging us further. We are currently open to sibling groups of up to three, ages ranging from 0 to 6. And we continue to be open to a private infant adoption as well.
We also met privately with a case manager from GCAA to discuss in greater detail our adoption options. We are so exited to continue working with God's Children.
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We don't know the timing of all of this. We haven't even sent in our application yet. There's a few more things to take care of before we jump in. But I did want to share it all now for a few reasons:
1. I just can't keep it to myself anymore!
2. We want you ALL to be a part of this journey too.
3. We need your support.
It has taken a long time and a lot of work to see how blessed we are to be on this journey. The view from here is pretty wonderful. To know and love that this is the plan that God has for our family is...indescribable. Finally, finally, we can see how everything has come together, how everything is working together, and how God just put all the pieces in the right places.
For us, adoption is so much more than getting "our children." Adoption is a calling. Adoption is part of living out our faith. Adoption is not about getting, but really, it's about giving. It's about gifts -- giving the gift of a family, a home, love. And receiving gifts -- children in our home, laughter, and so much more -- gifts we haven't even begun to imagine.
We are also completely at God's mercy here. We have no retirement to borrow from, we can't take out a loan. We are completely trusting and believing that God will provide everything we need -- one way or another. And please know, I'm saying this only because I want you to see how wonderful this adventure will be. We have nothing. So God must provide everything. And we have no way of knowing how he will do that! Surprises all along the way. And how amazing to say, years later (with or without children) "God did that. God did that, so we have to know that God is real, God is good and God is working."
And I want to share that with you. This road is not the norm for growing a family. It's full of impersonal paper work, personal questions, state requirements...but it is our road. And I'm going to share with you from now on every crazy, terrifying, exciting step. Because we need prayer support and friends. Because it could be your once in a lifetime opportunity to be a vital part of helping a family come together. I'm serious. YOU could be a part of making a family. How? Praying. Donating. Learning. Advocating. Adopting in the future? Because maybe our experience is the push that someone else needs to take the first steps themselves toward adoption or foster care. Because this is all just too good to keep to myself! You could be witnesses to miracles!
My desire is to allow you to see glimpses of the adoption process, opportunities to be involved, and gain a better understanding of adoption and orphan care as a whole. We're only one family. One story. But I truly believe, with all of my heart, that God is calling us to allow Him to use this experience and story and share with others. I hope you are ready for an incredible ride.
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So how can you get involved?
PRAY! We are in need of your prayers. Prayers for the right timing, the funding, paperwork filled out and filed correctly, prayers for strength and wisdom as we wait and are matched with children. Prayers for the children who will be coming into our home. Prayers for their families and mothers -- for whatever the circumstance. Prayers that God will be working in every step.
DONATE! No, I'm not asking for your money. (Although it would help.) There will be several opportunities in the next months to donate unwanted items for garage sales, handmade items for auction, and whatever else we can come up with! A check is nice, but I don't want to take your money. And I do know that there are at least a few of you who need to spring clean. So do it, clean closets and garages and I will gladly take your unwanted things -- it could be someone else's treasure. Any little bit will help.
READ! I have opened a new page which links to our adoption blog, Not Under My Heart. Because our babies are growing, not under my heart, but in it.
FOLLOW IT so you can be updated on every step. This is also where I will share more about our adoption agency, our decisions about adoption, and information about garage sales and auctions.
I would so prefer to sit with you over a cup of coffee and share our journey, my heart, with you, but it's not always possible. And I so wish that you all could be a part of this adventure, if you are willing, so please stay connected and keep reading. This isn't going to be merely a monthly update on our progress. I'm also going to be taking about specific concerns, issues, scripture, and pretty much all things adoption and orphans.
And to all of you who have supported us along this bumpy adventure: Thank you. Where would we be without you? And you will be blessed for all you have done and given, even if simply a quiet hug.
Thanks for sharing in our adventure,
Jenna & The Good Man, Jason
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